Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our (extended) stay at University Hospitals

What had intially been planned as a quick couple of days turned into nearly a week. Following the C-section, Addy and Jenn were both considered at risk for infection. Things took a turn for the scary when, out of nowhere, Adelaide had a coughing/choking episode and turned blue. Thanks to quick action by her grandmas and the exceptional nurses at MacDonald Womens Hospital, she was quickly cared for. Unfortunately, it bought her a ticket straight to the NICU at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital (right on the other side of the cafeteria, for you non-Clevelanders), where she was plugged into a variety of machines.

Scary as this experience was, it made us appreciate how lucky we were. Adelaide was by far the healthiest baby in the NICU and nearly four times the weight of some of her neighbors.

We were enormously grateful to the NICU staff, who discharged her Monday. We were free to go home the following day. It was a typical December day...windy and in the 20's, so Addy was bundled up nice and snug!

If you needed proof that Graham is now officially a father, consider that he drove home 5mph under the speed limit the whole way!

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