Monday, January 21, 2008


Here are some pictures from Addy's first adventures out in the snow. (And thanks again to Sarah for the very cute snowsuit!)

Our little snowbaby :)

Playing with Indy...(and yes, Addy is so bundled up in that snowsuit that she actually can't bend her arms or at her waist - reminded us of Maggie on "The Simpsons.")

Mommy and Addy :)

And cutest of all - watch this video of Addy making her first snow angel.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Go Blue! (and other fun pics)

Go Blue! Here's Addy ready to watch the U of M Bowl Game with Daddy.

And here's Addy doing one of her favorite things of late - grabbing on to your shirt collar and pulling down! Heaven help you if you're a guy and have chest hair, cause she'll pull that, too.

Here's Daddy giving Addy her first bottle.

And Addy, who's much more alert now, playing with Dad in her crib.