Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer Memories from Chautauqua

We spent some great weekends this summer up at Lake Chautauqua with Grandpa Johnny and Lizzie ("Zee Zee.") Here are a few fun pictures and videos.

The 4th of July parade.
Watching the sights while enjoying her 1st lollipop.
Fun times playing in the lake.

Addy's preferred way of riding in the boat! All the time saying, "Fast. Fast. Go fast."
Driving the boat. Very serious business.
Sitting with Daddy on the dock and watching the Chautauqua Belle sail by.

Taking a break from the water and catching some down time with "Zee Zee." They're watching Signing Time and practicing the sign for panda.

"Cheers, Mommy & Daddy" on your 6th Anniversary.
And the best discovery of all this summer was Midway - a kids amusement park that Graham remembers going to growing up that is now a state park. Here's some of our favorite videos of Addy enjoying the boat and car rides are the park.