Saturday, October 31, 2009


The happy butterfly :)

Helping with trick-or-treating

Mommy's pumpkin, after a bad, bad fall :(

Graham and Addy's pumpkins :)


Unintended, but the flash on the camera really lit up the reflective pumpkin on Addy's trick-or-treat bag. It doesn't get more Halloween than this shot.

Uncle Sean and Agnes came over to join in the fun.

The butterfly in flight...

...with candy.

The good, old girl even came out for a while to "help watch the candy." Here she's getting a little love from Addy.

Addy with our neighbors Zara and Oscar.

Addy the skeleton. These PJ's even glow in the dark!

Hmmm...let me think about that a little more while I munch on some more pumpkin seeds :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer Memories from Chautauqua

We spent some great weekends this summer up at Lake Chautauqua with Grandpa Johnny and Lizzie ("Zee Zee.") Here are a few fun pictures and videos.

The 4th of July parade.
Watching the sights while enjoying her 1st lollipop.
Fun times playing in the lake.

Addy's preferred way of riding in the boat! All the time saying, "Fast. Fast. Go fast."
Driving the boat. Very serious business.
Sitting with Daddy on the dock and watching the Chautauqua Belle sail by.

Taking a break from the water and catching some down time with "Zee Zee." They're watching Signing Time and practicing the sign for panda.

"Cheers, Mommy & Daddy" on your 6th Anniversary.
And the best discovery of all this summer was Midway - a kids amusement park that Graham remembers going to growing up that is now a state park. Here's some of our favorite videos of Addy enjoying the boat and car rides are the park.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cape Cod Vacation

After 11+ hours in the car to get there, Addy ran right into the ocean and loved it. Clothes were soaked, diaper so heavy it was falling off, but the waves and sun setting in the background made all of smile.

That night Addy tasted her first lobster roll.
Addy loved all things about the beach - the sand, the water, the toys, playing with friends...
Addy and Jacob were good friends by the end of the trip. She still talks about "Jacob hug."

Holding hands in the car.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In need of some new photos?

I've let Addy's blog fall behind yet again. Here's some recent pictures of the big girl :)
In her bike trailer.
Still loving the playground.

A happy little swimmer.

1st carousel ride. It was at the Toledo Zoo, where we went with Aunt Carrie. Addy picked out the monkey to ride.

Pointing at the elephants, which I think is her favorite animal.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Addy's Favorite Place - the Playground

Watch out - here I come!

Loving all the different kinds of slides.

Uncle Chad going for a slide, too.

Uncle Chad & Uncle Sean have a slightly different way of getting down the slide.
Walking the plank :)

The happy family.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Addy Loves Easter Egg Hunts!

Addy had a great time at the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. Grandma & Grandpa were there to help in the search.

Addy and her buddy Oscar sharing Easter eggs.

Searching for Easter eggs is so exciting!!!

Just a beautiful shot of my little Easter bunny.